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Hotel Restaurant Chez Nous

Le Bourg 01120 Sainte Croix
  +33(0)4 78 06 60 60

From tuesday to sunday lunch
from 12:00pm to 02:00pm
from 07:00pm to 09:00pm

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Chef Pierre Vincent

"A progressive kitchen"

More than 30 years, Pierre Vincent took over the reins of this house founded by his great-grandparents. Rich in his training at the hotel school and his experiences in the West Indies, in London as well as in fine establishments such as the Poêlon d'Or in Lyon, he took over the kitchens of the family hotel-restaurant in 1990.

Always favoring the nearby seasonal fresh produce, he develops “gastronomic regional cuisine, combining modernity and tradition.An evolving cuisine, never fixed, which draws its inspiration from the seasons…”.

Certain regional specialities, including roast farm poultry from the Ain with its reduced garlic juice and Provençal ratatouille or the unmissable pan-fried fresh frogs “as in Dombes” have created the reputation of the house.